Bednest - advarsel


Betatt av forumet
Septemberlykke 2016
Delt på Facebook, Bednest er ikke 100% trygg og i tillegg valgte firmaet å slette kritiske innlegg som denne:

Please share this, people. Companies run by people like these should not exist.

To Bednest:

I am unliking your page because of the way you have handled the Grace Roseman tragedy, suggesting that it was the parents' and sibling's fault. That is disgusting for a serious company.

I understand you have apologized to the family, but that is not enough for me. A newborn died because of your cot in April LAST YEAR and only today you publish a safety warning?! Not enough, Bednest, not enough. Too little, too late.

"Grace Roseman died when her head became stuck over the raised edge of a Bednest crib at her home in Haywards Heath, West Sussex, on April 9 last year. Just seven weeks old, she was unable to lift her head off and died within seconds.
Cot manufacturer, Bednest — a company whose product then had the support of leading parenting charity the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) — claimed parents Esther and Gideon had been negligent in using the cot and then suggested that their daughter Pearl, then two-and-a-half, had caused her sister's death.
At the inquest, West Sussex coroner Penelope Schofield blasted Bednest for its 'lack of compassion' and said suggestions that Pearl was involved were 'unpalatable'. She recorded a verdict of accidental death, saying Grace had died as a result of lifting her head and becoming trapped on a bar."

I cannot believe that we almost bought one of these cots one year ago. We decided against it at the last minute as we thought it was too flimsy when we saw it.
This is not the kind of company I wish to support.

Later edit:
Wow. Less than 5 minutes after my message to them, Bednest have deleted my visitor post and comments from their page and banned me from commenting.

Very mature, Bednest. I was wondering why there wasn't anything about this anywhere on their page. Disgusted.

That's alright. There are millions of people that will see this. Let's make this viral. #GraceRoseman #DisgustingBednest #toolittletoolate #Bednest
Dette var nytt for meg. Aldri hørt om verken saken eller bednest. Viss historien om firmaet er sann, er det fryktelig leit. Grusomt at foreldrene og familien får skylden i dette når firmaet kunne kommet på banen med en unnskylding og oppreisning tidligere. Men samtidig så er det jo ingenting som er 100% trygt, og håper ingen tror det uansett hva firmaer sier!
Hun som skrev innlegget er samboeren til en bekjent av meg. La oss huske å undersøke produktene før vi kjøper, uansett prisnivå.